Making Life Work

Friday, May 15, 2009

I like them SPICY!


Just a short note to let everyone living close by should stop by tomorrow morning with Bloody Mary's for Todd and I. Korbs is having his 8th birthday party and having 7 other little boys sleep over. The original plan was to have the sleepover outside in the tent but guess what? We are having thunderstorms tonight and the boys will be sleeping inside. Unfortunately the activity we had planned is also outside so this I know, we are in for an adventure.

Leah and Korbin have been planning for weeks to do various tricks to each other and their perspective friends. In fact a couple of nights ago Leah was putting together some sort of "nasty smelling bombs" that she intended to leave around the tent for the boys to be smelling all night. Mom put the ca-bash to that however when I found out that the MAIN ingredient was nail polish remover poured into water balloons. (Still have not seen any damage show up from pouring this stuff all over my bathroom - Leah can thank her lucky stars that Kim was here to help her clean up). Korbs plans to leave alarm clocks where Leah and her friend sleep set to various times throughout the night. One of them is stuffing Oreos with toothpaste to offer to the other...first clue? And as if all of this activity is not enough Ashton is coming home this afternoon and will sleep God knows where.

I love Bloody Mary's, particularly with horseradish and since my vodka infuser is empty... Oh and please don't forget the pickle. We can sit down and I will tell you all about what I am certain is to be a wonderful night for all:) UGH!!!
posted by makinglifework at 7:26 AM 2 comments

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mother's Day - Happy Father's day Toby!

My heart is breaking today for a baby girl I have never met and her father whom I barely know. My neighbor's adult child had a baby girl with his long term girlfriend 4 days ago. What should have been one of the most beautiful and loving times of their lives has become a tug of war with none other than this precious little girl as the rope.

This is the second such scenario I have know of in less than 6 months. Both sets of parents happened to be unmarried (although liberal I'm not sure this is a coincidence) and in long term relationships. Suddenly the women's "birth control fails" and guess what? The father to be in both cases brushed off his bat and ball in anticipation of the wondrous day to come; looking forward to it as only a first time father can. In both cases, mom moves out of the house with newborn baby and says neither dad or his family can see his beautiful baby girl. She comes up with shallow excuses as to why but it all boils down to her having the ultimate bargaining chip to have her way. In this particular case the courts will in all of their eternal wisdom someday put a stop to this and divide parenting time.

How infuriating and utterly disappointed I am that women like this are part of humanity. Why is it that when a man uses his child as a pawn I am pissed and I will defend that child until no end but I am not surprised? That should be a clue as to some of the men I have had in my life. However I am so much MORE pissed when a woman, the protector and incubator of life has the balls to use her child as a means to an end.

You are right. I really have no idea what these partners are like. Perhaps in both cases the mother is protecting her child but why the planning and the secrecy right up to the end? I know it's not nice but I would like to kick mommy's ass! Mothers don't have the right to be so self fulfilling and selfish.
posted by makinglifework at 11:58 AM 1 comments